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DBTS CSV Manager WB Extension: The CSV List Object

Demo 2 : displaying a file created by DBTS Form Processor through our demo form when the extension was first launched.
View Record Edit Record Delete Record Submission Date    First Name    Last Name    Country    Email   
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  02/11/2009 23.51  darryl  swaina  United States  daz@home.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  10/11/2009 21.09  arthurj  christian  United States  arthur.christ@hotmail.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  11/11/2009 17.14  phill  dawg  United States  info@757talent.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  19/11/2009 12.46  asdf  adfad  United States  me@you.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  22/11/2009 2.31  Sergio  Santo  Brazil  sergiosantos@zipart.com.br
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  23/11/2009 20.58  dave  ch  United States  dave@glendower.co.uk
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  26/11/2009 6.39  SEST SENAT  SIMONE  SIMOES FILHOS  jbeam78@aol.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  27/11/2009 12.14  Guindaste de 30  Serviço a ser executado 15 /07 /2013  Operador Sergio  email@empresa.com.br
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  03/12/2009 15.05  test  test  Spain  freelance_designs@live.co.uk
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  10/12/2009 5.03  jim  beam  United States  myemail@email.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  14/12/2009 0.31  Paol  Just  Australia  jstpaolo@optusnet.com.au
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  13/01/2010 21.42  fred  van as  Netherlands  fvanas@ziggo.nl
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  21/01/2010 13.02  fgtud  fdudfu  United States  p@yahoo.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  26/01/2010 3.42  oliver  yama  Belarus  oliveryama@gmail.com
View Record Edit Record Delete Record  27/01/2010 13.43  joe  stam  United States  info@minimal.gr
If you wish to see / edit / delete your own details, please use this form in  to submit and see how your submission info will appear in the demo2.php page.
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The DBTS Form CSV Manager Extension is the result of hundreds of hours of work, and will be continuously updated to keep up with users feedback. Updating the software and supporting users also requires a considerable amount of work. If you feel that the DBTS CSV Manager  Extension has made the difference for your site, and you want to support its development, consider donating any amount you feel is right for you.