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DBTS CSV Manager WB  Extension: The CSV List Object

Demo: displaying the WB6 usersdb.php file contents.

Use the form to the left to signup using the WB6 Signup tool. After submitting, your details will appear in the above table. The script is set to display records by Inverse Submission Time order, so your details should appear on top of the list. 
View Record Edit Record Name    Username    Encrypted Password    Email   
View Record Edit Record  Alexscxzzxcxc  Pippo  e2fc714c4727ee9395f324cd2e7f331f  alex@flop.fuck
View Record Edit Record  redbullnet2  redbullnet  fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759  teste@gmail.com,
View Record Edit Record  test  test1  033bd94b1168d7e4f0d644c3c95e35bf  TEST@TEST.FR
Sign up for a new account
Full Name:
User Name:
Confirm Password:
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The DBTS Form CSV Manager Extension is the result of hundreds of hours of work, and will be continuously updated to keep up with users feedback. Updating the software and supporting users also requires a considerable amount of work. If you feel that the DBTS CSV Manager  Extension has made the difference for your site, and you want to support its development, consider donating any amount you feel is right for you.